Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wk 5 - T2 - Possible change of topic

Currently I am in the process of extending my research beyond just the myth of Santa Clause, and into the actual origins of Christmas itself. There tends to be more debate in these areas than in the myth of Santa Clause.

After speaking to Mr. Woodgate on Thursday, I was told that it is possible to change the topic on my paper to something of a greater debate in the area if this arises.

Whilst I am still investigating it seems that the origin of the debate of Christmas (that being the 25th of December) is a Roman festival known as 'Dies Natalis Solis Invictus' or the birthday of the unconquering sun.

From here my task is to continue researching around this debate, and to hopefully have at least an essay plan done by the end of the weekend.

Ironically, whilst I've always known that this was an area of contention, particularly from one of my early conversations with Mr. West on the choosing of Christ's birthday, the film 'Angels and Demons' was actually what sparked my realisation that this needs to be investigated.

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