Tuesday, February 10, 2009

D2,Wk 3, T1 - Progress during the Holidays

During the holidays the project advanced mainly in terms of thought and research. From the deconstruction of the Swartz article and other evidence, it is likely that Saint Nicholas was a Bishop living in Turkey. Three books were also purchased to advance the research. These include:

1. 'The autobiography of Santa Claus', By Jeff Guinn
2. 'Nicholas: The Epic Journey from Saint to Santa Claus', By Jeremy Seal
3. Wonderworker: The True Story of How Saint Nicholas Became Santa Clause' By Vincent A. Yzermans

These three books arrived from America last week and the next step of the project is to deconstruct their views.

During the holidays I also further developed the overall inquiry question into:

'To what extent is the contemporary western character of 'Santa Claus' based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas?'

However, after speaking to Mr. West last week it may be more interesting looking at the philosophy behind why the legend of Santa Claus was needed in western philosophy rather than how it formed.

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